TIEMS is an international, non-political and not for profit NGO, which finances its activities through memberships, donations and sponsorships. All TIEMS directors, officers and members work voluntary for TIEMS, to develop and support the organization in its work for making more recilient societies and a safer world. TIEMS invites companies, institutions, organisations and individuals who like to financial support TIEMS activities, to consider TIEMS Sponsor Levels and Benefits.

Sponors are also welcome to suggest their own sponsorship package or support below TIEMS initiatives:
- TIEMS Rohrmann Student Scholarship Fund
- TIEMS RTD Projects
- TIEMS Academy
- New activity to be started by TIEMS on sponsor's initiative
For interest, please, contact TIEMS President, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.!