TIEMS Research and Technology Development (RTD)
Projects & Member Service
TIEMS members constitute a large international multidisciplinary group of experts, with different educational background and various experience in the field of emergency and disaster management. They represent an unique source of expertise and ideas, which is an important asset for research and development activities. TIEMS has therefore established a RTD service for its members:
  1. Based on members ideas, propose  RTD projects which can improve methods, systems, operations and technology in emergency and disaster management
  2. Initiate RTD Consortiums where TIEMS members can participate in RTD proposals  
  3. Inform members of established RTD Consortiums and RTD activity where TIEMS members can participate

It all started with the NARTUS project in 2006, finished in 2009, where TIEMS had the responsability for consensus building and establishing the Public Safety Communication Europe Forum:  http://www.psc-europe.eu/

TIEMS was/is a member of the User or Advisory Board of the following EU projects:
  1. TIEMS was a partner in the following projects:
  2. ASSET, HERACLES, and European HUB

TIEMS RTD Member Service

TIEMS RTD Committee together with TIEMS Secretariat will act as TIEMS RTD Service Coordinator with the following tasks:

  1. Based on TIEMS members needs, develop a RTD plan and be responsible for the execution of the plan
  2. Involve TIEMS members in RTD programs and projects
  3. Develop and maintain a TIEMS RTD cooperation strategy for TIEMS members
  4. Keep a dialogue with TIEMS members and involve them in planned and ongoing RTD programs and activities
  5. Maintain and update the web-site information on RTD opportunities
  6. Stimulate and encourage TIEMS chapters to take RTD initiatives and establish RTD activity in TIEMS chapters
When TIEMS is invited to participate in a RTD proposal, a TIEMS RTD Team is selected among TIEMS RTD Committee members, for participating in the proosal work.
For interest, contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.!
ASSET is a 48 month project to:
  • Forge a partnership with complementary perspectives, knowledge and experiences to address effectively scientific and societal challenges raised by pandemics and associated crisis management
  • Explore and map Science in Society related issues in global pandemics
  • Define and test a participatory and inclusive strategy to succeed
  • Identify necessary resources to make sustainable the action after the project completion
ASSET combines public health, vaccine and epidemiological research, social and political sciences, law and ethics, gender studies, science communication and media, to develop an integrated, transdisciplinary strategy, which will take place at different stages of the research cycle, combining local, regional and national levels.
ASSET High Level Policy Forum (ASSET HLPF)
One of TIEMS tasks in the project is to establish a Higl Level Policy Forum, recruit members to the Forum and get the Forum operational and addressing Epidemic and Pandemic issues, see
The first Forum meeting was held in Brussels 12th March 2015, see
The second Forum meeting was held in Copenhagen 15th January 2016, see
The third meeting in ASSET HLPF was held in Brussels 28th April 2017.
The following key topics in pandemics preparedness is discussed  and concluded in a policy report from ASSET HLPF at the third ASSET HLPF meeting:
Participatory Governance in Public Health
 Ethical Issues in Pandemic Preparedness Planning
 Vaccination Hesitancy

The conclusions and recommendations of this discussion is found in this  Policy Brief document from the High Level Policy Forum.

EUlogoThis project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 612236.
TIEMS is a partner in the HERACLES EU project, which main objective is to design, validate and promote responsive   systems/solutions for effective resilience of Cultural Heritage (CH) against climate change effects, considering a holistic mutlidisciplinary approach through the involvement of end-users, industry / SMES's, scientists, conservators / restorators, social experts, decision and policy makers. HERACLES will develop a system exploiting an ICT platform to collect and integrate multisource information to effectively provide complete and updated situational awareness and support for improving CH resilience, including new solutions for maintenance and conservation and to define the materials able to be integrated in the platform for proper maintenance, remediation and restoration actions. HERACLES system will be designed and developed taking into account the economic sustainability and future acceptance by the market and the social and economic impact for public and local communities while respecting the integrity of CH and the value it hold for communities. HERACLES envisages effective technological transfer of outcomes to large companies, SMEs and end users. 
There are three case study sites in the project in CRETE, GREECE in Minoan Knossos Palace and  Venetian coastal fortress of Koules and in Italy in GUBBIO at Medieval Wall and High town.

Educational Materials from the HERACLES Project

Thirteen virtual training courses were developed during the HERACLES project:



Course Title


Guidelines and Procedures for Cultural Heritage Management


Methodologies for Climate Change Impact Evaluation and Risk and Vulnerability Analysis


Geomorphological and Structural Modeling Applied to Cultural Heritage Management


Socioeconomic Factors in Risk Analysis


Satellite and Airborne Sensing Techniques for Surveillance and Monitoring at Territory and Site Scales


In-Situ Sensing Techniques for Subsoil and Structures Diagnostics


Technologies for Material Characterization Via Laboratory Studies and Portable Instrumentation


Climate Change, Extreme Weather Conditions and Anthropic Pressure Modeling


The Overall Chain of The Development of New Materials from The Design to The Transfer Market


HERACLES Platform as a Tool for The Stakeholders/End-Users


Guidelines for The Definition of Procedures for Disaster Prevention, Risk Assessment Mitigation and Long-Term Management in Cultural Heritage


Best Practices and Recommendations for Cultural Heritage Resilience


Environmental Entrepreneurship

Recordings of these courses and associated reference materials can be found at



 This project has received funding from the European Union's Framework Programme for Research and Innovation HORIZON 2020 under Grant Agreement 700395.


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