TIEMS 2024 Welcome Page

Vasundhara Emergency Management Foundation (VEMF) was registered in India on the 14th of March this year. It is affiliated to The International Emergency Management Society - TIEMS.

VEMF will host the TIEMS 2024 Hybrid Annual Conference in Pune, India 26th - 29th November this year. 

Vasundhara is a Sanskrit word which means planet earth. Vasu means wealth and Dhara means the one who holds. Vasundhara holds all wealth, sustains the natural resources and processes, and nourishes all species including the humanity.

Vasundhara Emergency Management Foundation will address the concerns of multi-hazard preparedness, disaster risk reduction, emergency response, climate change adaptation and mitigation and other related themes.

The Theme of the TIEMS 2024 Hybrid Annual Conference will be:
“Risk Governance, Resilience Building and Humanitarian Programming in a Changing World”
Preliminary Program Schedule with Conference Topics is found below, and details are found in First Call for Papers and Posters.
Submit your proposal before the deadline of 31st July and join us at TIEMS 2024 Hybrid Annual Conference in India in person or virtually!
Please, submit a Paper or Poster Proposal at: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=tiemsac2024

Instructions for authors here: [Template Paper] [Template Abstract]

Conference Submission Deadlines

Submission deadlines 2024 ver1
TIEMS 2024 Program Schedule
 TIEMS 2024 Program Schedule tail
 The Office Bearers of Vasundhara Emergency Management Foundation are as mentioned in the picture below.

India Office Bearers

For more information about TIEMS 2024 Hybrid Annual Conference or TIEMS in India, contact:
                                                                              Arvind Kumar Jha: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
                                                                              Vinod Menon: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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