TIEMS Mission

TIEMS prepares the world for emergencies. We are a global forum for education, training, certification, and policy for emergency and disaster management. We do not respond to emergencies: we ensure that others are ready to respond. This is important internationally because some parts of the world otherwise have limited support for preparation.
As the international community discovers and develops new technologies, methodologies, and best practices, we offer conferences, ongoing forums, and training courses that rapidly and continuously spread the knowledge to every corner of the community. As policy makers grow to understand both the need for preparation and the support TIEMS provides, we expect to influence policy choices that strengthen cooperation among regional communities before a disaster strikes.
TIEMS Focal Points

Provide a forum for policy guidance to government bodies concerning the management of emergencies and disasters
Raising the awareness on technical solutions involving computers, communication and information technology and social sciences to provide emergency and disaster managers with helful decision support
Help bring modern tools of emergency and disaster management into market place and to provide high quality emergency and disaster management industry practises around the world
Address emergency and disaster management in the context of its impact on the environment and society
Monitor the evolution of global good industry practises in emergency and disaster management
Establish a multi-diciplinary "all-hazards approach" to tackling emergencies and disasters
Bring together stakeholders such as governments, industry leaders, academics, volunteer organizations and other subject matter experts in emergency and disaster management
Advance awareness of research and future development concerning technologies from various divers fields such as simulation, operations research, knowledge based systems, decision support systems, information systems, psycholgy and other behavioral sciences
Propose, initiate, develop and participate in relevant research activities, contributing to global stadards within emergency and disaster management
Contribute to the improvement of educational methods and standards for emergency and disaster managers
Initiate and establish a quality certification process for emergency and disaster managers
Assist and excite students to increase global interest for emergency and disaster management studies
Increase society's common knowledge of risk management, potential hazards, and means and remedies to avoid and reduce the impact of, and to assure a speedy recovery from, incident, crisis, emergencies and disasters